Baked Sourdough Bread Recipe with Jalapeno and Cheddar.
Savory Sourdough Artisan Bread

Sourdough Bread Recipe with Jalapeno and Cheddar

This jalapeño cheddar sourdough bread recipe is a delicious variation that combines the tangy flavor of sourdough with the spicy kick of jalapeños and the richness of cheddar cheese in a crusty artisan loaf. This amazingly tasty homemade sourdough bread can be enjoyed alongside soups, as the base for a spicy grilled cheese sandwich, or on it’s own for a delicious healthy snack!

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Jalapeños are a staple in our house, along with cheese, of course! At the moment I have about 16 jalapeno pepper plants in my greenhouse, and by August I expect to have nightmares due to the abundance I will be in! Making pickled jalapenos will be my solution for all the fresh jalapeño peppers I will have, and this great recipe is my favorite way to put those pickled jalapeños to good use!

Ingredients for Sourdough Bread Recipe with Jalapeno and Cheddar.

Common Questions:

What does Autolyse mean?

Autolyse is a technique used in bread baking that involves mixing flour and water together and allowing the mixture to rest before adding other ingredients like salt and yeast or sourdough starter. This rest period, typically lasting anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour or more, allows the flour to fully hydrate and the natural enzymes present in the flour to begin breaking down the proteins and starches.

Shredded cheddar cheese in a bowl for Sourdough Bread Recipe with Jalapeno and Cheddar.

 What is the point of Autolyse?

  1. Improved Gluten Development:
    • The rest period allows the gluten (a network of proteins) to develop more effectively and naturally, which can result in a dough that is more elastic and easier to work with.
  2. Better Dough Handling:
    • Dough becomes smoother and more manageable, making it easier to knead and shape.
  3. Enhanced Flavor:
    • The enzymatic activity that occurs during the autolyse period breaks down some of the starches into simpler sugars, which can improve the flavor of the bread.
  4. Open Crumb Structure:
    • Bread made with an autolyse can have a more open and airy crumb structure due to better hydration and gluten development.
  5. Reduced Mixing Time:
    • By allowing the flour and water to rest, the dough requires less kneading, which can be particularly beneficial for high-hydration doughs.
Pickled jalapeños for Sourdough Bread Recipe with Jalapeno and Cheddar.

What happens if you skip autolyse?

 As you can see the autolyse process has various benefits for sourdough bread. However, it’s totally optional! Do not feel pressured, while you will probably end up with a better result in your bread if you using the autolyse technique, it’s not required and if you have a busy schedule and are short on time you can totally skip it! You will still make an amazing sourdough loaf!

Mixed dough in a bowl for Sourdough Bread Recipe with Jalapeno and Cheddar.

How do you autolyse dough?

  1. Combine Flour and Water:
    • In a mixing bowl, combine the specified amount of flour and water from your recipe. Mix until all the flour is fully hydrated and no dry spots remain. This doesn’t require kneading, just mixing until combined.
  2. Rest Period:
    • Cover the bowl with a clean cloth or plastic wrap and let it sit at room temperature. The duration can vary depending on the recipe, but it generally ranges from 20 minutes to an hour. Some bakers extend this period up to 2 hours or more, depending on the dough and desired results.
  3. Add Remaining Ingredients:
    • After the autolyse period, add the remaining ingredients such as salt, yeast, or sourdough starter. Continue with the kneading and fermentation as directed in the recipe.
Mixed dough in a bowl for Sourdough Bread Recipe with Jalapeno and Cheddar.

What You Will Need

Large bowl

A banneton basket or proofing basket (I used a DIY banneton basket found here)

Danish dough whisk (the one I use and love is found here) or a wooden spoon

Tea towel ( I used these DIY reusable bowl covers for my sourdough dough found here)

Dutch oven (This is my cast iron Dutch oven that I love and highly recommend! DARTMOOR 9 Quart Pre-Seasoned Cast Iron Dutch Oven with Lid)

Sourdough dough being stretched for Scored sourdough dough for Sourdough Bread Recipe with Jalapeno and Cheddar.

Ingredients for Jalapeño Cheddar Sourdough Recipe

  • 100 grams active sourdough starter (1/2 cup)
  • 350 grams water (1 1/2 cups) *room temperature so the cheese does not melt
  • 500 grams all-purpose flour (unbleached white flour) (5 cups)
  • 80 grams sharp cheddar cheese grated (1 cup)
  • 45 grams pickled jalapeños or sliced fresh jalapeños  (1/4 cup)
  • 10 grams salt (2 teaspoons)
Sourdough dough being stretched for Scored sourdough dough for Sourdough Bread Recipe with Jalapeno and Cheddar.

Cheddar Jalapeno Sourdough Bread Recipe


In a large mixing bowl, combine 500g bread flour and 350g water. Mix in a circular motion until no dry flour remains. Cover and let it rest (autolyse) for 20 minutes.

Prepare the Add-ins:

Grate the cheddar cheese and place it to the side.

Remove pickled jalapenos from the brine and place into a small bowl and set aside. If using fresh jalapeños, then slice the jalapenos and place them to the side.

Sourdough in a banneton for Sourdough Bread Recipe with Jalapeno and Cheddar.

Mixing the Dough:

Add 100g of the active sourdough starter and 10g salt to the autolysed dough. Mix thoroughly until well combined. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes.

Incorporate Jalapeños and Cheese:

After the initial rest, fold in the chopped jalapeños and shredded cheddar cheese. Make sure they are evenly distributed throughout the dough. Cover with a damp cloth or plastic wrap and let the dough rest for 30 minutes. 

First Sets of Stretch and Folds:

After the resting period, use a dough scraper, bench scraper, or wet hands to gather the dough from one edge of the bowl and perform the first set of stretches and fold by gently stretch the dough out, and fold it back onto itself. Rotate the bowl a quarter turn and repeat the action. The dough will take on a somewhat square shape. Cover the bowl with a damp tea towel and let the dough rest for another 30 minutes.

Repeat Stretch and Fold:

After the 30-minute rest, conduct another round of stretch and folds. Stretch the dough from opposite ends and fold them over each other. Rotate the bowl and repeat. Cover the bowl and let the dough rest for another 30 minutes. Repeat this sequence two more times, for a total of three sets of stretches and folds.

Scored sourdough dough for Sourdough Bread Recipe with Jalapeno and Cheddar.

Bulk Fermentation Time:

Place the dough in a bowl, cover it with a damp towel or plastic wrap, and let it rise at room temperature for about a 4-6 hour period, or until it has roughly doubled in size. The exact rising time will depend on the temperature of your kitchen and the activity of your sourdough starter.

After the First Rise

Dough Preparation for Second Rise:

Shape the dough into a smooth ball or oval, similar to the shape of your banneton or proofing basket. Place dough into a floured banneton and cover with plastic wrap or a damp tea towel. You can place the dough into the fridge for 3-4 hours before baking it or you can refrigerate overnight for the final rise.

Bake the Dough:

Remove the banneton from the fridge and place the sourdough dough on a piece of parchment paper. Score the top of the dough. Preferably down the middle of the dough so it encourages a good oven spring.Transfer the sourdough, with the parchment paper under it, to the Dutch oven.Place the lid on the Dutch oven and put it into the oven.Turn the oven on to 425°F and bake for 55 minutes.After 55 minutes, remove the lid. If the loaf color is to your liking, remove the sourdough from the Dutch oven and place it on a cooling rack. If not, bake for another 5 minutes with the lid off until the desired color of golden brown is achieved.

Baked Sourdough Bread Recipe with Jalapeno and Cheddar.

Cool and Serve:

Allow the loaf of bread to cool for at least 1 hour before cutting into it to avoid a mushy crumb.

Enjoy your homemade jalapeno cheddar loaf!

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Sliced Sourdough Bread Recipe with Jalapeno and Cheddar.

Sourdough Bread Recipe with Jalapeno and Cheddar

This jalapeño cheddar sourdough bread recipe is a delicious variation that combines the tangy flavor of sourdough with the spicy kick of jalapeños and the richness of cheddar cheese in a crusty artisan loaf.
5 from 1 vote
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Prep Time: 22 hours
Cook Time: 55 minutes
Additional Time: 1 hour
Total Time: 23 hours 55 minutes
Servings: 1 loaf
Author: Stephanie


  • 100 grams active sourdough starter 1/2 cup
  • 350 grams water 1 1/2 cups *room temperature so the cheese does not melt
  • 500 grams all-purpose flour unbleached white flour (5 cups)
  • 80 grams sharp cheddar cheese grated 1 cup
  • 45 grams pickled jalapeños or sliced fresh jalapeños 1/4 cup
  • 10 grams salt 2 teaspoons



  • In a large mixing bowl, combine 500g bread flour and 350g water. Mix in a circular motion until no dry flour remains. Cover and let it rest (autolyse) for 20 minutes.

Prepare the Add-ins:

  • Grate the cheddar cheese and place it to the side.
  • Remove pickled jalapenos from the brine and place into a small bowl and set aside. If using fresh jalapeños, then slice the jalapenos and place them to the side.

Mixing the Dough:

  • Add 100g of the active sourdough starter and 10g salt to the autolysed dough. Mix thoroughly until well combined. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes.

Incorporate Jalapeños and Cheese:

  • After the initial rest, fold in the chopped jalapeños and shredded cheddar cheese. Make sure they are evenly distributed throughout the dough. Cover with a damp cloth or plastic wrap and let the dough rest for 30 minutes. 

First Sets of Stretch and Folds:

  • After the resting period, use a dough scraper, bench scraper, or wet hands to gather the dough from one edge of the bowl and perform the first set of stretches and fold by gently stretch the dough out, and fold it back onto itself. Rotate the bowl a quarter turn and repeat the action. The dough will take on a somewhat square shape. Cover the bowl with a damp tea towel and let the dough rest for another 30 minutes.

Repeat Stretch and Fold:

  • After the 30-minute rest, conduct another round of stretch and folds. Stretch the dough from opposite ends and fold them over each other. Rotate the bowl and repeat. Cover the bowl and let the dough rest for another 30 minutes. Repeat this sequence two more times, for a total of three sets of stretches and folds.

Bulk Fermentation Time:

  • Place the dough in a bowl, cover it with a damp towel or plastic wrap, and let it rise at room temperature for about a 4-6 hour period, or until it has roughly doubled in size. The exact rising time will depend on the temperature of your kitchen and the activity of your sourdough starter.

Dough Preparation for Second Rise:

  • Shape the dough into a smooth ball or oval, similar to the shape of your banneton or proofing basket. Place dough into a floured banneton and cover with plastic wrap or a damp tea towel. You can place the dough into the fridge for 3-4 hours before baking it or you can refrigerate overnight for the final rise.

Bake the Dough:

  • Remove the banneton from the fridge and place the sourdough dough on a piece of parchment paper. Score the top of the dough. Preferably down the middle of the dough so it encourages a good oven spring.Transfer the sourdough, with the parchment paper under it, to the Dutch oven.Place the lid on the Dutch oven and put it into the oven.Turn the oven on to 425°F and bake for 55 minutes.After 55 minutes, remove the lid. If the loaf color is to your liking, remove the sourdough from the Dutch oven and place it on a cooling rack. If not, bake for another 5 minutes with the lid off until the desired color of golden brown is achieved.

Cool and Serve:

  • Allow the loaf of bread to cool for at least 1 hour before cutting into it to avoid a mushy crumb.
  • Enjoy your homemade jalapeno cheddar loaf!


  • Leslie Susan Clingan

    5 stars
    First of all, thank you for including our crazy American measurements along with the measurements in grams. My mind just struggles with grams. Except for my own weight, which is much more preferrable in grams than pounds!!

    If only my mom had been able to teach me (successfully) to sew. But I do have a proofing basket with a store-bought liner. Going to make this bread this weekend. It looks divine. Thank you for the clear steps and beautiful photos and easy-to-understand explanations.

    Having lunch with your mama tomorrow. Hoping she will tell me her sinus issues are a thing of the past and her headaches, too.

    Big hugs!!

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