Ingredients in a mason jar for The Perfect Dry Rub Recipe for the Best Pulled Pork.
Dinner Ideas

The Perfect Dry Rub Recipe for the Best Pulled Pork

Creating the perfect dry rub recipe for the best pulled pork involves balancing savory, and slightly spicy elements. With this sugar free rub, you will find that not only does the pork butt not need the extra sugar, but the cinnamon fills in the void of that missing element! This homemade spice blend has the best flavor and will give you the most flavorful meat without the added wasteline.

Ingredients on a white counter for The Perfect Dry Rub Recipe for the Best Pulled Pork.

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Why Use a Pulled Pork Rub?

Using a dry rub for pulled pork has several benefits that enhance both the cooking process and the final flavor of the dish:

1. Flavor Penetration

A dry rub is a blend of spices and seasonings that, when applied to the surface of the meat, infuses it with deep, complex flavors. As the meat cooks, the spices penetrate, creating a well-seasoned and flavorful crust on the outside.

2. Texture Improvement

The application of a dry rub helps to form a delicious, caramelized bark on the surface of the meat as it cooks. This bark adds a pleasant texture contrast to the tender, juicy interior of the pulled pork.

3. Moisture Retention

Salt, a key component in most dry rubs, helps to draw out moisture from the surface of the meat initially but then helps it to reabsorb during the cooking process. This not only seasons the meat but also helps to keep it moist and juicy.

4. Convenience

Dry rubs can be prepared in advance as a big batch and stored, making them a convenient option for quickly seasoning meat before cooking. This is especially useful for busy cooks or those planning for large gatherings.

5. Customization

Dry rubs offer endless customization possibilities. You can adjust the ingredients and proportions to suit your taste preferences, dietary needs, or to complement specific dishes and sides. This makes them versatile for various cooking styles and recipes.

6. Healthier Option

Using a dry rub can be a healthier option (especially when you adhere to a medically restrictive diet!) compared to wet marinades or sauces, which may contain higher amounts of sugar, oil, or preservatives. A well-balanced dry rub provides robust flavor without the added calories.

7. Versatility

This dry rub is not limited to just pulled pork; it can be used on a variety of meats including pork roast, pork tenderloin, pork loin, pork chops, pork ribs, boston butt (basically all cuts of pork!), and lamb, as well as on vegetables, making it a combination of spices that is a versatile addition to your spice cabinet.

As you can see, by using a dry rub, you enhance the flavor and texture of your pulled pork while maintaining the natural juices of the meat, leading to a more enjoyable and satisfying dish.

Ingredients in a mason jar for The Perfect Dry Rub Recipe for the Best Pulled Pork.

Common Questions:

How Long Should a Dry Rub Sit on Pork?

The duration for which a good dry rub should sit on pork can significantly impact the flavor. Allowing the dry rub to sit on the pork for at least one hour is the minimum recommended time. This allows the flavors to start penetrating the meat.

Letting the dry rub sit for 2 to 4 hours provides an even better flavor infusion. The spices will have more time to permeate the surface and begin to enhance the meat’s taste.

For the best results, let the dry rub sit on the pork overnight, up to 24 hours. This extended time allows the flavors to deeply penetrate the meat, resulting in a more flavorful and aromatic final product. If you choose this option, make sure to refrigerate the pork while it marinates.

A tablespoon of The Perfect Dry Rub Recipe for the Best Pulled Pork.

Why You Will Love This Rub For Your Pulled Pork Recipes

  1. The absence of sugar emphasizes the savory and spicy elements, giving the meat a robust flavor profile without sweetness.
  2. This rub can also be used on other meats like chicken, beef, or lamb, making it a versatile addition to your spice collection.
  3. Without sugar, this rub is a great option for those looking to reduce sugar intake or who are following specific dietary plans such as low carb, keto, or paleo.
A jar of The Perfect Dry Rub Recipe for the Best Pulled Pork, next to pork and mustard.

Can you dry rub pork too long?

Yes, it is possible to leave a dry rub on pork for too long, although the threshold for this is generally quite high compared to wet marinades. Here are some considerations:

High Salt Content: If the dry rub contains a significant amount of salt, leaving it on the pork for too long can start to cure the meat, making it overly salty and potentially affecting the texture by drawing out too much moisture.

Texture Changes: Prolonged exposure to the spices and salt in the rub can cause changes in the meat’s texture, making it firmer or slightly dry. This is less likely with dry rubs compared to wet marinades, but it’s still something to consider.

Overpowering Flavors: Extremely long marination times might result in certain spices overpowering the natural flavor of the pork. Strong spices like cayenne or cumin can become too dominant if left on the meat for extended periods.

24 Hours: Generally, allowing the dry rub to sit on the pork for up to 24 hours is safe and effective. Beyond this, there may be diminishing returns in flavor improvement, and the risks of texture changes or overly intense flavors increase.

Raw pork butt with mustard on it and dry rub next to it in a jar for The Perfect Dry Rub Recipe for the Best Pulled Pork.

Tips for Leaving the Dry Rub on For a Long Time

  • Monitor Salt Levels: If you plan to let the dry rub sit for a long time, consider adjusting the salt content to prevent the meat from becoming too salty.
  • Even Coating: Apply the rub evenly and ensure the pork is well-wrapped or contained to prevent it from drying out.
  • Refrigeration: Always refrigerate the pork while it sits with the dry rub to prevent any bacterial growth.
Homemade smoked pulled pork in a white bowl for Easy Best Slow Smoked Pulled Pork Butt Recipe.

Pro Tip: I highly suggest rubbing mustard on the pork butt before adding the dry rub, and here’s why:

Why Put Mustard on Pork Shoulder or Pork Butt?

Using mustard as a pre-rub layer on pork butt is the best way to enhance the adhesion of the dry rub, subtly boosts flavor, helps retain moisture, and contributes to a flavorful bark. It’s a simple yet effective technique to improve your pulled pork. Here is why:

Binding Agent: Mustard acts as a binding agent that helps the dry rub adhere more effectively to the surface of the meat. This ensures that the spices and seasonings stay in place throughout the cooking process.

Flavor Base: While mustard itself has a strong flavor, it typically becomes quite mild once cooked. It adds a subtle tanginess that can enhance the overall flavor profile without overpowering the taste of the pork.

Complementary Spices: The tanginess of mustard complements the spices in the dry rub, creating a more complex and enjoyable flavor.

Moisture Retention: Mustard can help create a slight barrier on the surface of the meat, which helps to lock in moisture. This is particularly beneficial during long cooking processes, such as smoking or slow cooking, where maintaining moisture is key to tender pulled pork.

Bark Formation: The combination of mustard and dry rub contributes to the formation of a delicious, caramelized crust (bark) on the outside of the pork. This bark adds both texture and flavor, enhancing the overall eating experience. Mustard’s flavor largely dissipates during cooking, so even those who are not fans of mustard can enjoy the benefits it brings to the final dish without tasting a strong mustard flavor.

How to Apply Mustard and Dry Rub to Pork Butt​

  • Pat Dry: Ensure the pork is dry by patting it with paper towels. This helps the mustard and the rub adhere better to the meat.
  • Apply Mustard: Use a light, even layer of mustard (yellow mustard is commonly used, but Dijon or other varieties can also work) all over the surface of the meat.
  • Generously Apply Rub: Rub the spice mixture on top of the mustard and all over the pork, ensuring it’s evenly coated and pressed into any crevices.
  • Rest and Cook: Allow the pork to sit with the mustard and rub for at least an hour, or up to overnight in the refrigerator, before cooking as desired.

Additional Pro Tips

  • Uniform Coating: Make sure the rub is applied uniformly for consistent flavor.
  • Refrigeration: Always refrigerate the pork while it sits with the rub to prevent any bacterial growth. By allowing the dry rub to sit on the pork for the appropriate amount of time, you enhance the overall flavor and tenderness of the meat, making your pulled pork even more delicious.
  • Bring to Room Temperature: Before cooking, let the pork sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes to ensure even cooking.
  • Storage: Store any leftover dry pork rub in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. 
The Perfect Dry Rub Recipe for the Best Pulled Pork rubbed on pulled pork.

Ingredients for Pork Rub Recipe

  • 1 teaspoon black pepper 
  • 2 Tablespoons kosher salt (coarse ground) (I like Himalayan Salt found here.)
  • 1 1/2 Tablespoons garlic powder
  • 1 Tablespoon onion powder
  • 1 Tablespoon cinnamon (I used Ceylon Cinnamon Powder found here)

Instructions for the Pork Spice Rub 

  1. Combine Ingredients: Mix all the rub ingredients thoroughly in a small bowl.
  2. Prep the Pork: Pat the pork shoulder (or butt) dry with paper towels to remove any excess moisture.
  3. Apply the Rub: Generously apply mustard all over the cut of pork and then apply the dry rub, ensuring it gets into any crevices. Let the pork sit with the rub for at least an hour or up to overnight in the refrigerator to allow the flavors to penetrate the meat.
  4. Cooking: Cook the pork using your preferred method—whether it’s in a slow cooker, smoker (Learn why we chose a Pit Boss over a Traeger here.), or oven—until it becomes tender and can be easily pulled apart. Try it with this recipe- Easy Best Slow Smoked Pulled Pork Butt Recipe
  5. Storing: Store your new dry pork rub in an air-tight container at room temperature or in your spice cabinet.

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Ingredients in a mason jar for The Perfect Dry Rub Recipe for the Best Pulled Pork.

The Perfect Dry Rub Recipe for the Best Pulled Pork

The perfect dry rub recipe for delicious pulled pork.
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Prep Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 5 3/4 Tablespoons
Author: Stephanie


  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 Tablespoons kosher salt coarse ground (I like Himalayan Salt found here.)
  • 1 1/2 Tablespoons garlic powder
  • 1 Tablespoon onion powder
  • 1 Tablespoon cinnamon I used Ceylon Cinnamon Powder found here


  • Combine Ingredients: Mix all the rub ingredients thoroughly in a small bowl.
  • Prep the Pork: Pat the pork shoulder (or butt) dry with paper towels to remove any excess moisture.
  • Apply the Rub: Generously apply mustard all over the cut of pork and then apply the dry rub, ensuring it gets into any crevices. Let the pork sit with the rub for at least an hour or up to overnight in the refrigerator to allow the flavors to penetrate the meat.
  • Cooking: Cook the pork using your preferred method—whether it's in a slow cooker, smoker (Learn why we chose a Pit Boss over a Traeger here.), or oven—until it becomes tender and can be easily pulled apart. Try it with this recipe- Easy Best Slow Smoked Pulled Pork Butt Recipe
  • Storing: Store your new dry pork rub in an air-tight container at room temperature or in your spice cabinet.
  • Make this BBQ pulled pork with this BBQ sauce recipe! The Best Easy Homemade Smoked Meat BBQ Sauce Recipe