An Amish horse and buggy parked on a rainy parking lot in front of a barn and trees.

Things I Learned About The Amish Culture

 Who are the Amish?

The Amish are people that live life the way we used to, before technology. During the industrial revolution, the world evolved and the Amish refused to conform to society. So they continued to live in what we like to think of as “the past”. This is why the Amish Culture entices me.

Facts about the Amish Culture.

Recently, me and my family went on a trip to Smicksburg, PA. We shopped at an antique store, and saw Amish shopping at a Dollar General! I took some pictures while being there. You can see them here:

Picture of a horse and buggy for Things I Learned About The Amish Culture.
Picture of a horse and buggy for Things I Learned About The Amish Culture.

Here are all the facts I know about the Amish Culture:

1. They don’t use electricity.

2. They use oil lamps to light up their homes.

3. You can’t take pictures of them when they’re looking because of what they believe in the Second Commandment: “You shall not make yourselves any idols: any images resembling animals, birds, or fish. You must never bow to an image or worship it in any way; for I, the Lord your God, am very possessive. I will not share affection with any other god!”

4. They make their own clothes.

5. They ride in buggies, which are small covered carriages, that are pulled by horses.

6. They go to church every Sunday.

7. When Amish mothers and fathers grow old, the youngest son gets their house, and builds a house next to his for his mother and father so he can take care of them.

8. Amish children go to an Amish run school.

9. They don’t believe in Santa Claus or have Christmas trees, but they do give presents to their children and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ! Some Amish also celebrate Old Christmas which happens on January 6th, and they start the morning with rest and fasting.

Picture of a horse and buggy for Things I Learned About The Amish Culture.

Which States do Amish live in?

Amish live in 31 states, so could you be lucky enough to have an Amish community in your state? Here is a list of what states they are in:



















New York

North Carolina




South Dakota





West Virginia



That is what I learned about the Amish! I hope you learned a lot! 

Thanks for reading,

The Daily Marcus

Picture of a horse and buggy for Things I Learned About The Amish Culture.


  • Suzanne S Juen

    Marcus!! This so crazy interesting! My doctor shared a story with me during Christmas on one of our conference calls. He and his wife live in Denver now, but he was raised in Brooklyn, NY. He loves to go to his home town during the holidays, and guess what else he loves? To Go To Amish Country and Stay With The Family of One Of His Patients For A WEEK! Now think about that! No electricity, no phones, no NOTHING!! Every Year!! And he and his wife both look so forward to it every year. It is a highlight and he just spews like a fountain telling me all about their adventures. How about that?

    I am so proud of you, Marcus. You got my juices flowing today 🙂


    PS if you find any misspelled words, I plead guilty! Guilty because of long fingernails 🙁

    • Marcus

      Thank you Aunt Suzie! That is cool that your doctor stays with the Amish! I would love to stay with them too. I hope this helped you understand the them a lot more.