Best Espresso Keto Ice Cream with Only 4 Ingredients served in a glass on a white countertop.
Dessert Ideas

Best Espresso Keto Ice Cream with Only 4 Ingredients!

This best espresso keto ice cream with only 4 ingredients makes it very easy to adhere to a keto diet or a low carb diet! The addition of espresso to ice cream elevates the flavor profile, balances sweetness with bitterness, enhances aroma, and can provide a slight energy boost (if using caffeinated), making it a delightful and appealing treat. An indulgence we can all enjoy without the added sugar!

An espresso for Best Espresso Keto Ice Cream with Only 4 Ingredients!

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For those of you that may not know, we have a small homestead with a couple of jersey cows, so milk and cream is always in abundance. However, our sweet girl, Sassy, is coming to the end of her lactation, so the milk supply has gone down quite a bit. As a result, I felt really pressured into writing this recipe and getting it out before she dries up! 

Ingredients for Best Espresso Keto Ice Cream with Only 4 Ingredients served in a glass on a white countertop.

Sassy is due to calve (have a calf) at the end of September, and because of this, we will dry her up for a couple of months so that she and the unborn calf can get the nutrition they need for the big day. This ice cream is my personal favorite keto dessert and I will miss it when it is gone! 

Although I am not strict keto anymore, I do watch my carb intake, just to maintain my weight and health. Delicious keto treats like this low carb keto ice cream recipe really help me do just that. I find that I have more energy, I stay focused longer, and it really does satisfy my sweet tooth, so I no longer have those blood sugar spikes or drops.

You are probably thinking “Milk is not keto!” Well technically, in small amounts it is! The good news is that this creamy ice cream can still be made with nut milks such as almond milk, cashew milk, or full-fat coconut milk, and will still be an amazing low carb keto recipe!

Ingredients for Best Espresso Keto Ice Cream with Only 4 Ingredients being poured into a blender.

Will This Keto Ice Cream Work With Regular Sugar?

Absolutely! If you are not following a low carb or keto diet, then by all means, use your favorite natural sweetener! Sometimes I will make this a regular ice cream by using organic cane sugar instead of keto sweeteners. It is a great idea if you are having guests over and would like to make them a delicious treat! Just use a 1:1 ratio to swap out the keto sweetener for the sugar of choice. I highly recommend trying out pure maple syrup. It really adds another dimension to this decadent ice cream.

Ingredients for Best Espresso Keto Ice Cream with Only 4 Ingredients being poured into a blender.

Why Add Espresso to Homemade Ice Cream?

Espresso is a fantastic addition to ice cream for several reasons:

  1. Intense Flavor:
  • Bold and Rich: Espresso has a strong, bold flavor that stands out even when mixed into a rich ice cream base. Its concentrated taste means that even a small amount can impart a significant coffee flavor, enhancing the yummy experience.
  • Complexity: The complex notes of espresso, which can include hints of chocolate, caramel, and nuts, add depth to the ice cream, making it more interesting and satisfying to your tastebuds.

2. Contrast and Balance:

  • Bitterness and Sweetness: The natural bitterness of espresso balances the sweetness of the ice cream. This contrast creates a more harmonious and not overly sweet dessert.
  • Creaminess and Sharpness: The creamy texture of ice cream contrasts beautifully with the sharp, robust flavor of espresso, resulting in a well-rounded sensory experience.

 3. Aromatic Qualities:

  • Inviting Aroma: The aroma of freshly brewed espresso is inviting and enhances the overall experience of eating ice cream. The scent of coffee can evoke comfort and warmth, making the dessert even more appealing.

4. Caffeine Kick:

  • Mild Stimulant: Espresso provides a mild caffeine boost, which can be energizing and enhance alertness. This can be particularly enjoyable in a dessert, offering a little pick-me-up. If you are worried about the caffeine, you can always opt for a decaffeinated espresso, which is what I do!

 5. Versatility:

  • Complementary Flavors: Espresso pairs well with various other flavors commonly found in ice cream, such as chocolate, vanilla, caramel, and even spices like cinnamon. This versatility allows for a range of creative and delicious combinations.

 6. Enhanced Creaminess:

  • Emulsification: Coffee and espresso can help in emulsifying the ice cream mixture, contributing to a smoother and creamier texture. This is due to the coffee’s oils, which can interact with the fat in the cream to improve the mouthfeel.

7. Cultural Appeal:

  • Culinary Tradition: Coffee-flavored desserts, including espresso ice cream, have a strong cultural appeal, particularly in Italian cuisine, where coffee is a staple. This association can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to the dessert.
Ingredients for Best Espresso Keto Ice Cream with Only 4 Ingredients being poured into an ice cream maker.

Tips for This Low Carb Ice Cream Recipe

Sweetener: Powdered sugar alcohols dissolve better than granulated. For best results, if you don’t have powdered, you can blend granulated sugar alcohol sweeteners to make them finer. This is the best way I have found to keep the low-carb ice cream creamy.

Flavor Variations: You can add other keto-friendly ingredients for different flavors like: cocoa powder for chocolate ice cream, coffee extract for a coffee flavor, vanilla bean or pure vanilla extract for a low carb vanilla ice cream, peanut butter, or try adding a pinch of salt to intensify the sweetness!

What You Will Need for Homemade Keto Ice Cream

Blender, food processor, or immersion blender

Ice cream machine 1.5 quart (I use this one here)

Ice cream scoop

Espresso Machine or Instant espresso (Our espresso machine found here)

How to Clean a Breville Barista Espresso Machine 

Ingredients for Best Espresso Keto Ice Cream with Only 4 Ingredients being poured into an ice cream maker.

The 4 Simple Ingredients

  1. 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  2. 2 cups whole milk, almond milk, or cashew milk (for a lower carb count and fewer calories)
  3. 1/2 cup monk fruit sweetener or your preferred keto sweetener (Not doing low carb? Try this recipe with real maple syrup! Or swap out with regular sugar a 1:1 ratio.)
  4. 2 double shots of espresso shot (about 4 ounce)
Macros for Best Espresso Keto Ice Cream with Only 4 Ingredients!
Macros for Best Espresso Keto Ice Cream with Only 4 Ingredients!

Easy Keto Ice Cream Recipe

  1. Prepare the Cream Mixture:
    • In a blender, add the zero-sugar sweetener, heavy cream, whole milk or milk substitute, monk fruit sweetener, double espresso shot.
    • Blend until completely combined and is a smooth texture.
  2. Churn the Ice Cream:
    • Pour it into your ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions, usually about 20-25 minutes.
  3. Freeze the Ice Cream:
    • Transfer the churned ice cream to an airtight container and freeze for at least 2 hours to firm up before serving.
    • Use an ice cream scoop to scoop it out and serve!

Hope you enjoy this delicious recipe!

Best Espresso Keto Ice Cream with Only 4 Ingredients served in a glass on a white countertop.

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Curious about the benefits of raw milk? Check out this post! 

13 Health Benefits of Raw Dairy Milk Consumption.

Best Espresso Keto Ice Cream with Only 4 Ingredients served in a glass on a white countertop.

Best Espresso Keto Ice Cream with Only 4 Ingredients!

The addition of espresso to ice cream elevates the flavor profile, balances sweetness with bitterness, enhances aroma, and can provide a slight energy boost (if using caffeinated), making it a delightful and appealing treat.
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Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 2 .5 cups
Calories: 387kcal
Author: Stephanie


  • Blender, food processor, or immersion blender
  • Ice cream machine 1.5 quart
  • Espresso Machine or Instant espresso
  • Ice cream scoop


  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 2 cups whole milk almond milk, or cashew milk (for a lower carb count and fewer calories)
  • 1/2 cup monk fruit sweetener or your preferred keto sweetener Not doing low carb? Try this recipe with real maple syrup! Or swap out with regular sugar a 1:1 ratio.
  • 2 double shots of espresso shot about 4 ounce


Prepare the Cream Mixture:

  • In a blender, add the zero-sugar sweetener, heavy cream, whole milk or milk substitute, monk fruit sweetener, and the espresso shot.
  • Blend until completely combined and is a smooth texture.

Churn the Ice Cream:

  • Pour it into your ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions, usually about 20-25 minutes.

Freeze the Ice Cream:

  • Transfer the churned ice cream to an airtight container and freeze for at least 2 hours to firm up before serving.
  • Use an ice cream scoop to scoop it out and serve!


Serving: 0.5cup | Calories: 387kcal | Carbohydrates: 7.26g | Protein: 5.15g | Fat: 3.78g

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