Fresh baked Peanut Butter with Chocolate Sourdough Bread Recipe on a brown cutting board.
Sweet Sourdough Breads

Peanut Butter with Chocolate Sourdough Bread Recipe

If you love the delicious combination of peanut butter with chocolate than you will love this peanut butter with chocolate sourdough bread recipe! The subtle sweetness of the honey, creamy peanut butter, and dark chocolate chips give you a decadently rich dough with a soft texture that will have you going back for seconds! Which is something you can feel good about thanks to the added health benefits of the fermented dough along with the extra protein from the peanut butter! 

Fresh baked Peanut Butter with Chocolate Sourdough Bread Recipe on a brown cutting board.

Homemade sourdough bread is something that is always avalible in our home and sweet breads are our favorite way to enjoy a quick breakfast or snack. There really is no better smell than walking into a home where there is fresh bread baking in the oven. Add the aroma of sweet and savory breads that have peanut butter and chocolate in them, and you will have your family drooling before you pull it out of the oven! Sweet sourdough breads are not only my most popular recipes among my family, but this recipe with peanut butter and chocolate chips is hands down the most requested by them! It is highly addictive! Not to mention a great way to kill the sweet tooth without having too much sugar.

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Fresh baked sliced Peanut Butter with Chocolate Sourdough Bread Recipe on a brown cutting board.

Common Question About Sweet Sourdough Bread

What are the health benefits of sourdough bread?

Sourdough bread offers several potential health benefits compared to conventional bread made with commercial yeast. Here are some of them:

Easier Digestion: The fermentation process in sourdough bread breaks down some of the gluten and phytic acid present in the flour, potentially making it easier to digest for some people, particularly those with mild gluten sensitivities or intolerances.

Lower Glycemic Index: Sourdough bread tends to have a lower glycemic index compared to bread made with commercial yeast. This means it doesn’t cause spikes in blood sugar levels as rapidly, which can be beneficial for managing blood sugar levels, especially for individuals with diabetes.

Nutrient Absorption: Fermentation increases the availability of certain nutrients in sourdough bread, such as B-vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. Additionally, reducing phytic acid during fermentation can improve the absorption of minerals.

Potential Probiotic Benefits: Sourdough fermentation involves beneficial bacteria and yeast, which may have probiotic effects on gut health. These microorganisms can help maintain a healthy balance of gut flora and support digestion and immune function.

Longer Shelf Life: The acidity produced during sourdough fermentation helps to preserve the bread naturally, potentially extending its shelf life without the need for preservatives or additives.

Rich Flavor and Aroma: Sourdough bread typically has a more complex flavor profile and aroma compared to bread made with commercial yeast, which can enhance the overall eating experience and satisfaction.

Lower FODMAP Content: Fermentation can also reduce the content of fermentable carbohydrates (FODMAPs) in sourdough bread, making it more tolerable for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other digestive sensitivities.

Ingredients for Peanut Butter with Chocolate Sourdough Bread Recipe on a white countertop.

Does sourdough bread have probiotics?

Yes, sourdough bread can contain probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that can support gut health. During the fermentation process of sourdough bread-making, naturally occurring bacteria and yeast cultures metabolize sugars and produce lactic acid and acetic acid. These acids create the characteristic tangy flavor of sourdough bread and contribute to its preservation.

Dough being pulled for Peanut Butter with Chocolate Sourdough Bread Recipe on a white countertop.

Among the bacteria involved in sourdough fermentation are Lactobacillus species, such as L. sanfranciscensis and L. plantarum, as well as various strains of wild yeast like Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These microorganisms can have probiotic properties, meaning they may provide health benefits when consumed.

However, the quantity and variety of probiotics in sourdough bread can vary depending on factors such as the specific strains of bacteria and yeast present, the fermentation process, and the ingredients used. Additionally, the baking process at high temperatures can reduce the viability of some probiotic organisms. As a result, while sourdough bread can potentially contain probiotics, it may not be as rich a source of probiotics as other fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, or raw saurkraut. recipe found here.

When to Start This Sweet Sourdough Bread Recipe

I usually will start this recipe in the afternoon, around 4pm to 5 pm. I allow it to bulk ferment through the night on my countertop. Then, first thing in the morning, I will shape it into a ball, place it into a banneton, cover it with a damp towel, and then I place it in the fridge for 3 hours. It can go a few more hours in the fridge if need be. The cold will slow down the fermentation process, so it does not need to be precise. Once it has spent at least 3 hours in the fridge, I score and bake it as usual.

Dough being pulled for Peanut Butter with Chocolate Sourdough Bread Recipe on a white countertop.

What You Will Need for Peanut Butter with Chocolate Chip Sweet Sourdough Bread Recipe:

Large bowl

A banneton basket or proofing basket (I used a DIY banneton basket found here)

Danish dough whisk (the one I use and love is found here) or a wooden spoon

Tea towel

Dough being pulled for Peanut Butter with Chocolate Sourdough Bread Recipe on a white countertop.

Peanut Butter With Chocolate Chip Sweet Sourdough Bread Recipe

  • 100 grams active sourdough starter (1/2 cup)
  • 375 grams warm water (85 degrees) (1 1/2 cups)
  • 500 grams bread flour (5 cups) 
  • 5 grams salt (3/4 teaspoon)
  • 200 grams salted peanut butter (3/4 cup)
  • 80 grams honey (1/2 cup) Brown sugar can be substituted instead!
  • 50 grams dark chocolate chips (1 cup)
Dough being pulled for Peanut Butter with Chocolate Sourdough Bread Recipe on a white countertop.

Directions For Sweet Sourdough Bread Recipe

In the early evening:

Mixing the Dough:

In a large mixing bowl, mix the active sourdough starter, warm water, and honey until the the honey and stater dissolves.

Once the wet ingredients are combined, incorporate the bread flour, salt, peanut butter, and chocolate chips, scraping down the sides of the bowl, and stir until a shaggy dough forms.

Cover the rough dough with a clean, damp tea towel or plastic wrap, and let dough rest in a warm spot for 30 minutes.

Stretching and Folding:

After the initial rest, remove the covering. Perform the stretching and folding technique by gathering the dough from one side of the bowl. Stretch it out and fold it onto itself. Turn the bowl a quarter turn and repeat the stretching and folding process. The dough should form a somewhat square shape. Cover the bowl again with a damp kitchen towel and let the dough rest for another 30 minutes.

Repeat this process two more times with 30 minute itervals.

Dough being pulled for Peanut Butter with Chocolate Sourdough Bread Recipe on a white countertop.

Bulk Fermentation:

Cover the bowl again with a damp towel and let the dough undergo its first rise, or bulk fermentation, through the night in a warm place. It should be doubled in size by the next morning.

Shaping the Dough:

The next morning, shape the dough gently into a round smooth ball or oval loaf, being careful not to deflate it too much.

Final Proofing:

Place the shaped loaf into a banneton or proofing basket lined with a clean kitchen towel. Cover with a damp towel and place it in the fridge for at least 3 hours for the final proofing.

Sourdough in a banneton for dough on a white parchment paper for Peanut Butter with Chocolate Sourdough Bread Recipe..

After at least 3 hours:

Remove the chilled dough from the fridge and score right away. I have found that chilled dough is the easiest way to get a good score!

Baking (Do not preheat the oven! Simply turn it on when you place the bread into the oven.):

Transfer the scored dough onto a piece of parchement paper and then into a Dutch oven. Cover with the lid, and bake for 50 minutes at 425 degrees, until golden brown.

If a deeper color is desired, remove the lid and bake for an additional 5 minutes.

Fresh baked Peanut Butter with Chocolate Sourdough Bread Recipe on a brown cutting board.


Once baked, transfer the bread to a wire rack or a wood cutting board and let it cool for at least an hour before slicing.


Once bread cools, slice and serve your peanut butter with chocolate sweet sourdough bread with your favorite spreads or cheeses. It is delicious either on its own or toasted with homemade soft butter spread on top of it. Idie’s homemade butter found here!

Scored dough on a white parchment paper for Peanut Butter with Chocolate Sourdough Bread Recipe.

Other Sourdough Recipes

Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread (Beginner’s Recipe)

Easy Sourdough Bread Recipe Without A Dutch Oven

Easy Recipe for How to Make Einkorn Sourdough Bread

Easy No-Knead Sourdough Bread Recipe for Beginner’s

Fresh baked Peanut Butter with Chocolate Sourdough Bread Recipe on a brown cutting board.

Sourdough Discard Recipes 

Easy Italian Sourdough Flatbread Discard Recipe

Fresh baked Peanut Butter with Chocolate Sourdough Bread Recipe on a brown cutting board.

Peanut Butter with Chocolate Sweet Sourdough Bread

The subtle sweetness of the honey, creamy peanut butter, and dark chocolate chip give you a decadently rich dough with a soft texture that will have you going back for seconds!
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Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 50 minutes
Additional Time: 19 hours
Total Time: 20 hours
Servings: 1 loaf
Author: Stephanie


  • 100 grams active sourdough starter 1/2 cup
  • 375 grams warm water 85 degrees (1 1/2 cups)
  • 500 grams bread flour 5 cups
  • 5 grams salt 3/4 teaspoon
  • 200 grams salted peanut butter 3/4 cup
  • 80 grams honey 1/2 cup Brown sugar can be substituted instead!
  • 50 grams dark chocolate chips 1 cup


In the early evening:

    Mixing the Dough:

    • In a large mixing bowl, mix the active sourdough starter, warm water, and honey until the the honey and stater dissolves.
    • Once the wet ingredients are combined, incorporate the bread flour, salt, peanut butter, and chocolate chips, scraping down the sides of the bowl, and stir until a shaggy dough forms.
    • Cover the rough dough with a clean, damp tea towel or plastic wrap, and let dough rest in a warm spot for 30 minutes.

    Stretching and Folding:

    • After the initial rest, remove the covering. Perform the stretching and folding technique by gathering the dough from one side of the bowl. Stretch it out and fold it onto itself. Turn the bowl a quarter turn and repeat the stretching and folding process. The dough should form a somewhat square shape. Cover the bowl again with a damp kitchen towel and let the dough rest for another 30 minutes.
    • Repeat this process two more times with 30 minute itervals.

    Bulk Fermentation:

    • Cover the bowl again with a damp towel and let the dough undergo its first rise, or bulk fermentation, through the night in a warm place. It should be doubled in size by the next morning.

    Shaping the Dough:

    • The next morning, shape the dough gently into a round smooth ball or oval loaf, being careful not to deflate it too much.

    Final Proofing:

    • Place the shaped loaf into a banneton or proofing basket lined with a clean kitchen towel. Cover with a damp towel and place it in the fridge for at least 3 hours for the final proofing.

    After at least 3 hours:

    • Remove the chilled dough from the fridge and score right away. I have found that chilled dough is the easiest way to get a good score!


    • (Do not preheat the oven! Simply turn it on when you place the bread into the oven.)
    • Transfer the scored dough onto a piece of parchement paper and then into a Dutch oven. Cover with the lid, and bake for 50 minutes at 425 degrees, until golden brown.
    • If a deeper color is desired, remove the lid and bake for an additional 5 minutes.


    • Once baked, transfer the bread to a wire rack or a wood cutting board and let it cool for at least an hour before slicing.


    • Once bread cools, slice and serve your peanut butter with chocolate sweet sourdough bread with your favorite spreads or cheeses. It is delicious either on its own or toasted with homemade soft butter spread on top of it. Idie's homemade butter found here!